Saint Lawrence Settlement at the foot of the Lachine Rapids

Saint Lawrence Settlement at the foot of the Lachine Rapids This hour and a half tour focuses on community life along the St Lawrence River at the foot of the Lachine Rapids from prehistoric times to now. We’ll begin next to the Maison Nivard-de-Saint-Dizier (7244, boulevard Lasalle), the oldest country house on the island and end at the Multi-CAUS (6049 boulevard Lasalle) cooperative grocery store. We'll pass by Montreal’s largest prehistoric archealogy site, follow the waterfront to Grand Potager, then wander past Garden City and war-time heritage homes and through the southern part of the Douglas Hospital grounds before returning to follow the portage of our ancestors along the St. Lawrence River, past the dance floor, the Natatorium and the boardwalk. Our conversation will focus on how biodiversity, food cultivation, housing, transportation and waste have changed over time and how people and place change one another. Cette marche sera en anglais, mais je peux répondre à vos questions en français.

À savoir sur cette promenade

  • Date de départ 5 mai
  • Date de départ17h
  • Durée1h30
  • langue utiliséeAnglais
  • Adresse
    • 7244, boulevard Lasalle
    • Verdun
    • H4H 1R4
    • Bus 58
  • Arrondissement ou villeVerdun
  • accessibilité
    • Bienvenue aux chiens (en laisse)
  • thèmes
    • Communauté
    • Nature et agriculture urbaine
    • Alimentation
    • Architecture et patrimoine
    • Histoire
    • Diversité ethnoculturelle
  • Nom de l'organisationCAUS
  • Site web de l'organisation


La promenade est terminée!